The Information Technologies in Romanian Agricultural Farms. A Regional Approach.

LM Moga, DL Constantin - Quality-Access to Success, 2012 -
This paper aims to highlight the connection between the changes occurred in Romanian
agriculture, due to the Common Agricultural Policy implementation and Common Market …

Modeling of chalcogenide glass structures before and after laser illumination, based on mass spectroscopy data

AM Andriesh, AI Buzdugan… - ROMOPTO'97: Fifth …, 1998 -
In this communication we present the results of computational modeling of molecular units
as As m S n registered by mass spectrometry in the As 2 S 3: Sn x glasses before and after …

Value Based Farm Management Information Systems

LM Moga - Calitatea, 2012 -
The advanced information systems addressed to the farmers' information needs may lead to
the improvement of farms management and may contribute to transforming agriculture from …

Proiectarea sistemelor informatice pentru managementul fermelor agricole prin valoare

LM Moga - Calitatea, 2012 -
Utilizarea unor sisteme informatice performante, adaptate nevoilor informaþionale ale
fermierilor, poate conduce la îmbunãtãþirea managementului fermelor ºi poate contribui la …

Tehnologiile informatice în exploatatiile agricole din România: O abordare regionalã

LM Moga, DL Constantin - Calitatea, 2012 -
Prin acest articol se urmãreºte evidenþierea unei legãturi între transformãrile care au avut
loc în agricultura româneascã, datoritã implementãrii Politicii Agricole Comune ºi integrãrii în …