This lively collection of essays examines in witty detail the history of some of the concepts involved in bringing statistical argument" to the table," and some of the pitfalls that have …
" This book explores the evolution, through the first half of the 20th century, of the key neoclassical concept of rationality. The analysis begins with the development of modern …
'Historians of international trade and trade theory, intellectual historians, and students of trade theory will all benefit from Andrea Maneschi's masterful work, which takes the reader …
An introduction to the life, work and ideas of the people who have shaped the economic landscape from the sixteenth century to the present day. Now in a third edition, it considers …
This volume aims to interest students of modern economic theory in the history of economics. For this purpose, past economic theories are considered from the point of view …
Game Theory-the formal modelling of conflict and cooperation-first emerged as a recognized field with a publication of John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern's Theory of Games …
This new reader in the history of economic thought is edited by two of the most respected figures in the field. With clearly written summaries putting each selection into context, this …
A rich vein of economics writings which runs through the nineteenth century and beyond is now largely ignored because its authors were women or because they favoured literary over …
The Marginal Productivity Theory of Distribution (MPTD) claims that in a free-market economy the demand for a factor of production will depend upon its marginal product …