With a newly written preface relating his theology to the current global situation, The Future of Love contains revised versions of eighteen of John Milbank's essays on theology, politics …
Understanding the senses is indispensable for comprehending the Middle Ages because both a theoretical and a practical involvement with the senses played a central role in the …
An Archaeology of the Immaterial examines a highly significant but poorly understood aspect of material culture studies: the active rejection of the material world. Buchli argues …
What is' truth'? The question that Pilate put to Jesus was laced with dramatic irony. But at a time when what is true and what is untrue have acquired a new currency, the question …
Formes noires fantomatiques, sombres silhouettes drapées, visages de femmes mangés par le tissu: pourquoi de telles images, désormais familières, dérangent-elles? Pourquoi le port …
D Hedley - The Iconic Imagination, 2016 - torrossa.com
The Divinity Faculty at Cambridge has been a rich and warm environment in which to research and lecture. Not only am I thankful for a very collegial environment, but also for …
É Palazzo - Cahiers de civilisation médiévale. Xe-XIIe …, 2012 - journals.openedition.org
Le présent article propose en premier lieu une synthèse complète de la bibliographie et de l'historiographie des recherches sur les cinq sens au Moyen Âge. Dans cette synthèse, les …
An unprecedented art-historical account of practices of image ingestion from ancient Egypt to the twentieth century Eating and drinking images may seem like an anomalous notion but …