Amid the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the year 2020, educational platforms have been forced to change and adapt from conventional physical learning to virtual learning …
During the COVID-19 era, most countries, including Malaysia, have shifted from face-to-face teaching systems to online teaching programs. The aim of this study is to identify the main …
H Sulastri, H Mubarok, SS Iasha - Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi …, 2021 -
Malnutrisi atau kekurangan gizi pada balita mempunyai efek jangka panjang dalam tumbuh kembang balita, baik tumbuh kembang secara fisik maupun secara mental. Balita akan …
A Jananto - Progresif: Jurnal Ilmiah Komputer, 2022 -
Inventory control is very important for PT. Multi Lestari (goods production/sales company), so as not to incur maintenance costs for goods that are produced in excess, or cause losses if …
Narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances are drugs that can activate brain systems, affect dopamine levels, and cause addiction. In Indonesia, there is a law requiring …
TR Cucu - Techno Xplore: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi …, 2021 -
The process of admitting new students is an annual routine activity that occurs in a university. This activity is the starting point of the process of searching for prospective new …
T Rohana, B Priyatna - … and Computer Sciences (BIT and CS), 2021 -
The process of admitting new students is an annual routine activity that occurs in a university. This activity is the starting point of the process of searching for prospective new …
This Covid-19 began to infect almost all countries in early 2020, including in Indonesia, Covid-19 spread widely throughout the world and was declared as a global pandemic by the …