We present an advance in understanding the projective Structure-from-Motion, focusing in particular on the viewing graph: such a graph has cameras as nodes and fundamental …
M Bråtelund, F Rydell - Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF …, 2023 - openaccess.thecvf.com
This paper studies the problem of recovering cameras from a set of fundamental matrices. A set of fundamental matrices is said to be compatible if a set of cameras exists for which they …
In structure-from-motion the viewing graph is a graph where vertices correspond to cameras and edges represent fundamental matrices. We provide a new formulation and an algorithm …
In the structure from motion, the viewing graph is a graph where the vertices correspond to cameras (or images) and the edges represent the fundamental matrices. We provide a new …
This paper addresses the problem of recovering projective camera matrices from collections of fundamental matrices in multiview settings. We make two main contributions. First, given …
Global methods to Structure from Motion have gained popularity in recent years. A significant drawback of global methods is their sensitivity to collinear camera settings. In this …
The viewing graph is a useful way to represent uncalibrated cameras and their geometric relationships: nodes correspond to cameras and edges represent fundamental matrices. By …
M Trager, B Osserman, J Ponce - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - openaccess.thecvf.com
A set of fundamental matrices relating pairs of cameras in some configuration can be represented as edges of a``viewing graph''. Whether or not these fundamental matrices are …
A Khoumsi - … . Sixth IEEE Symposium on Computers and …, 2001 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Testing distributed real time systems using a distributed test architecture Page 1 Testing distributed real time systems using a distributed test architecture Ahmed Khoumsi UniversitC …