Central and peripheral nervous system (CNS/PNS) proteoglycans (PGs) have diverse functional roles, this study examined how these control cellular behavior and tissue function …
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative condition that affects memory and cognition, characterized by neuronal loss and currently lacking a cure. Mutations in …
Calcium ion (Ca2+) control is an essential tool in neuronal research. Herein, we report three thiocoumarin-based, visible light-activated Ca2+ chelators with quantum yields of 0.39, 0.52 …
H Targa Dias Anastacio, N Matosin, L Ooi - Life, 2024 - mdpi.com
Familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) can be caused by mutations in PSEN1 that encode presenilin-1, a component of the gamma-secretase complex that cleaves amyloid precursor …
A Obradović - Fizička kultura, 2023 - scindeks.ceon.rs
Nitric-monoxide is recognized as a molecule with a very simple structure, considered for a long time as an extremely toxic substance. Yet, due to the possibility of endogenous …
Сажетак Азот-моноксид је препознат као молекул веома једноставне структуре, дуго сматран изразито токсичном супстанцом. Ипак, услед могућности ендогене …