[图书][B] Controlling Credit: Central Banking and the Planned Economy in Postwar France, 1948 1973

E Monnet - 2018 - books.google.com
It is common wisdom that central banks in the postwar (1945-1970s) period were passive
bureaucracies constrained by fixed-exchange rates and inflationist fiscal policies. This view …

Karl Polanyi, the “always-embedded market economy,” and the re-writing of The Great Transformation

H Lacher - Theory and Society, 2019 - Springer
This article seeks to subject Fred Block and Margaret Somers' influential reconstruction of
Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation to a systematic review. I show that Block & Somers's …

Making Social Movement: The reproductive labour of organizing from Chiapas to Chicago and beyond

SE Schussler - 2023 - yorkspace.library.yorku.ca
This is a dissertation about acting on inspiration. The Chicago-based Autonomous
University of Social Movements (AUSM) coordinates one of the most long-standing …

Mit Werten wirtschaften

R Fischer - 2019 - nomos-elibrary.de
Viele Menschen spüren es aufgrund ihrer täglichen Erfahrungen in ihrem Arbeitsumfeld: die
krisenhaften Erscheinungen rund um den Globus verlangen ein anderes, neues …

[PDF][PDF] The Critique of Neoliberalism in the Context of Veblen and Polanyi”

H İslatince, AB Sermen - Journal of Current Researches on Social …, 2018 - researchgate.net
The limits between production opportunities and consumption needs are determined by the
instrumental rationality of the markets. Flexible production as the ultimate result of …

The Great Transformation in EU Cohesion Policy: Re-Embedding Market Economy

L Deacon - 2020 - ses.library.usyd.edu.au
The global market economy can advance human and social development in some ways,
fostering productivity and growth, and yet is harmful to it in others, producing instability …

[PDF][PDF] Prizewinning Dissertation 2022

J Calland - lse.ac.uk
The rise of state-provided cash transfers throughout the global South is hailed as a potential
Polanyian countermovement against neoliberal hegemony that is creating 'new welfare …


MVANGV DE INFORMELE, DE GENTSE - libstore.ugent.be
De auteur en de promotor geven de toelating deze studie als geheel voor consultatie
beschikbaar te stellen voor persoonlijk gebruik. Elk ander gebruik valt onder de …

Thorstein Veblen ve Karl Polanyi perspektifinde iktisadi dönüşüm

AB Sermen - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Üretim olanakları ve tüketim ihtiyaçları arasında değişen sınırlar, piyasaların araçsal
rasyonalitesi altında belirlenmektedir. Post-modernist göstergelerin okunaksızlığına karşın …

[引用][C] A reflection on the utopian character of Polanyian counter-movements

P Rondelez - IAPSS virtual world congress 2022: Rethinking …, 2022 - biblio.ugent.be
Eric Hobsbawm depicted previous eras as ages of revolution, capital, empire, and extremes.
I wonder if he was still alive how he would name his new book. Age of Uncertainty? Age of …