Research and government agencies in eastern Indonesia have identified 2 systems with potential to increase productivity and incomes of small-holder cattle producers: improved …
Kegiatan bantuan ternak sapi bagi masyarakat merupakan implementasi dari program peningkatan produksi hasil peternakan dan program peningkatan pemasaran hasil produksi …
Six mature male Kacang goats were involved in an experiment arranged following a duplicate 3 x 3 latin square design. The objectives of this experiment was to study the effect …
Replacing part of the concentrate based calf supplement with high quality forages may result in reducing the price of the supplement which makes it affordable by small tenant farmer …
Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji produksi dan nilai nutrisi C. ternatea yang dipanen pada umur 60, 75 dan 90 hari setelah panen. C. ternatea ditanam pada 18 …
[引用][C]Pengaruh Penggunaan Berbagai Jenis Konsentrat dalam Pakan Berbasis Pollard Terhadap Konsumsi dan Kecernaan Protein dan Energi Ternak Babi Fase …
V Koroh, J Ly, S Sembiring - Jurnal Peternakan Lahan Kering, 2019
[引用][C]Effect of The Inclusion of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) and Green Sea Weed (Ulva lactuca) in The Complete Feed on The Concentration of Blood Metabolites …
[引用][C]Pengaruh Umur Panen Terhadap Kecernaan In Vitro dan Nilai Energi Fodder Jagung Sebagai Pakan Pedet (Effect of Harvesting Age on In Vitro Digestibility …