[图书][B] Instrumente des Personalmanagement

D Holtbrügge - 2007 - Springer
• Das wichtigste Ziel der Personalbedarfsplanung ist zumeist die Erhohung der
Wirtschaftlichkeit, Dies bedeutet, den geringst moglichen Personalbestand auszuweisen, mit …

A normative theory of luck

C Liu, CJ Tsay - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Psychologists have identified heuristics and biases that can cause people to make
assumptions about factors that contribute to the success of individuals and firms, whose …

On the strategic value of equifinal choice

JP Arrieta, YR Shrestha - Journal of Organization Design, 2022 - Springer
Managers are often faced with the need to choose among multiple satisficing options. We
call this situation equifinal choice and argue how it opens an opportunity for managers to …

The role of autonomy and selection at the gate in flat organizations

L Dahlander - Journal of Organization Design, 2022 - Springer
Reitzig's “Better at Flatter” provides a welcome and muchneeded contribution to the
discussion of the organization design of flat organizations. Flat organizations have several …

[PDF][PDF] Intra-Organizational Functioning and Autonomy Satisfaction in a Matrix Organization: A qualitative study in an IT-consultancy company

PS Mørner, ØA Ullaland - 2024 - uis.brage.unit.no
The informal organization is increasingly granted more room within companies as they
adopt flat, decentralized structures that promote autonomy while distributing leadership and …

How Realistic Is the Modeling of Epistemic Democracy?

M Vasic - Critical Review, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
The “diversity trumps ability”(DTA) model is often interpreted as a mechanism supporting
epistemic democracy. However, as a variety of empirical and mathematical studies have …

Making diversity work: transforming assessment and selection to hire for culture-add, not culture-fit

L Wallrich - Occupational Psychology Outlook, 2022 - eprints.bbk.ac.uk
Many organisations are striving to diversify their workforces, hoping to counter inequality
while boosting team performance. Assessment tools and processes have been adapted to …

[引用][C] On the strategic value of equifinal choice

JP Arrieta Navarro - 2022 - Deutsche Nationalbibliothek