We present efficient algorithmic methods to detect Hopf bifurcation fixed points in chemical reaction networks with symbolic rate constants, thereby yielding information about the …
Background Flux coupling analysis (FCA) is a useful method for finding dependencies between fluxes of a metabolic network at steady-state. FCA classifies reactions into subsets …
Emergent properties in systems biology are those which arise only when the biological system passes a certain level of complexity. In this study, we introduce some of the emergent …
Biologische Experimente sind zeitraubend und teuer. Deshalb werden Computer immer häufiger benutzt um solche Experimente zu bestimmen, die am ehesten erfolgreich sind und …
The analysis of dynamic of chemical reaction networks by computing Hopf bifurcation is a method to understand the qualitative behavior of the network due to its relation to the …
Constraintbasierte Methoden (CBM) sind vielversprechende Werkzeuge für die Analyse von metabolischen Netzwerken, da sie keine detaillierte Kenntnis der biochemischen …
the objective of the study was to identify genes and proteins that are involved in the control of muscle fat deposition in rainbow trout. we analyzed the combined effects exerted by …
The full in silico reconstruction of the genome-scale cellular metabolic networks in the recent years was enabled and supported with the sequencing of genomic and transcriptomic data …
JF Hidalgo Céspedes - Proyecto de investigación:, 2021 - digitum.um.es
El estudio de redes metabólicas aplicado a la Biotecnología ya la investigación de enfermedades es un tema de investigación de plena actualidad en nuestros días. La …