Identifying pneumonia in chest X-rays: A deep learning approach

AK Jaiswal, P Tiwari, S Kumar, D Gupta, A Khanna… - Measurement, 2019 - Elsevier
The rich collection of annotated datasets piloted the robustness of deep learning techniques
to effectuate the implementation of diverse medical imaging tasks. Over 15% of deaths …

Deep convolutional neural networks for chest diseases detection

RH Abiyev, MKS Ma'aitaH - Journal of healthcare engineering, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Chest diseases are very serious health problems in the life of people. These diseases
include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis, and lung …

Lung cancer detection using CT scan images

S Makaju, PWC Prasad, A Alsadoon, AK Singh… - Procedia Computer …, 2018 - Elsevier
Lung cancer is one of the dangerous and life taking disease in the world. However, early
diagnosis and treatment can save life. Although, CT scan imaging is best imaging technique …

Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Perambatan Balik untuk Klasifikasi Covid-19 Berbasis Tekstur Menggunakan Orde Pertama Berdasarkan Citra Chest X-Ray

MAS Yudono, EAZ Hamidi, J Jumadi… - … Informasi dan Ilmu …, 2022 -
Covid-2019 pertama kali muncul di kota Wuhan, Cina pada Desember 2019, kemudian
menyebar dengan cepat ke seluruh dunia dan menjadi pandemi. Pandemi Covid-19 telah …

A Review of artificial intelligence's neural networks (deep learning) applications in medical diagnosis and prediction

GR Djavanshir, X Chen, W Yang - IT professional, 2021 -
This paper reviews deep learning applications in medical diagnosis and prediction, such as
Convolutional Neural Networks, Fully Convolutional Networks, and Generative Adversarial …

[HTML][HTML] Deep learning for pneumonia detection in chest x-ray images: A comprehensive survey

R Siddiqi, S Javaid - Journal of imaging, 2024 -
This paper addresses the significant problem of identifying the relevant background and
contextual literature related to deep learning (DL) as an evolving technology in order to …

Forecast and prediction of COVID-19 using machine learning

D Painuli, D Mishra, S Bhardwaj, M Aggarwal - Data Science for COVID-19, 2021 - Elsevier
COVID-19 outbreaks only affect the lives of people, they result in a negative impact on the
economy of the country. On Jan. 30, 2020, it was declared as a health emergency for the …

Design ensemble deep learning model for pneumonia disease classification

K El Asnaoui - International Journal of Multimedia Information …, 2021 - Springer
With the recent spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has
received more attention. The most important CAD application is to detect and classify …

[PDF][PDF] Classification of Images of Childhood Pneumonia using Convolutional Neural Networks.

AA Saraiva, NMF Ferreira, LL de Sousa, NJC Costa… - Bioimaging, 2019 -
In this paper we describe a comparative classification of Pneumonia using Convolution
Neural Network. The database used was the dataset Labeled Optical Coherence …

Ensembles of convolutional neural network models for pediatric pneumonia diagnosis

H Liz, M Sánchez-Montañés, A Tagarro… - Future Generation …, 2021 - Elsevier
Pneumonia is a lung infection that causes 15% of childhood mortality (under 5 years old),
over 800,000 children under five every year, around 2,200 every day, all over the world. This …