Linear optical systems acting on photon number states produce many interesting evolutions, but cannot give all the allowed quantum operations on the input state. Using Toponogov's …
The manipulation of the quantum states of light in linear optical systems has multiple applications in quantum optics and quantum computation. The package QOptCraft gives a …
The evolution of quantum light through linear optical devices can be described by the scattering matrix S of the system. For linear optical systems with m possible modes, the …
Quantum linear optics is a promising candidate for obtaining a quantum computational advantage. However, linear optics without post-selection is not powerful enough to produce …
When a quantum state traverses a path, while being under the influence of a gauge potential, it acquires a geometric phase that is often more than just a scalar quantity. The …
We present the point-coupling Hamiltonian as a model for frequency-independent linear optical devices acting on propagating optical modes described as a continua of harmonic …
Este TFG presenta un paquete de software que permite automatizar el tratamiento de la evolución de los estados cuánticos de la luz en dispositivos de óptica lineal. En primer …
GS Docherty-Walthew, K Ballantine, M Mazilu - Optics Communications, 2020 - Elsevier
In linear optics, modes correspond to a set of fields that are mutually orthogonal, however, in the nonlinear regime the principle of linear superposition is no longer valid and …
Photon states can be represented using many families of orthogonal fields, such as plane waves, Laguerre-Gaussian beams, Bessel beams, etc... Here, we show that optical …