[图书][B] Teacher expectations in education

C Rubie-Davies - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
The influence of teacher expectations on student outcomes is routinely explored by
professors, administrators, teachers, researchers, journalists, and scholars. Written by a …

Quelles sont les perceptions des élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales quant aux conditions qui influencent leur scolarisation en classe ordinaire?

M Beaudoin, MF Nadeau - Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en …, 2020 - erudit.org
L'éducation inclusive, qui préconise la scolarisation dans un cadre le plus normal possible,
s' impose comme la voie privilégiée pour favoriser la réussite éducative de tous les élèves …

Exploring mental health literacy among pre-service teachers

J Whitley, S Gooderham - Exceptionality Education International, 2016 - ojs.lib.uwo.ca
Worldwide, prevalence rates of students experiencing mental health difficulties are growing,
with only one in five receiving treatment. The role of teachers in collaborative efforts both to …

La gestion de classe sous le prisme des perceptions des élèves avec difficultés comportementales: une recension des écrits

V Bernier, N Gaudreau, L Massé - La nouvelle revue-Éducation et …, 2021 - shs.cairn.info
Le concept d'élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales, émotionnelles et sociales
(PDC) a été retenu pour cet article puisque la scolarisation des élèves ayant une …

Inclusion and practice: The perspective of two countries

M Takala, G Head - The Wiley Handbook of Diversity in Special …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter reviews the educational policies in Finland and Scotland, including procedures
to promote successful inclusion and special education, with a particular focus on teacher …

Remove, rehabilitate, return? The use and effectiveness of behaviour schools in New South Wales, Australia

E Granite, L Graham - The International Journal on School …, 2012 - eprints.qut.edu.au
Research indicates that enrolments in separate special educational settings for students
with disruptive behaviour have increased in a number of educational jurisdictions …

Pratiques de gestion de classe, expérience scolaire et accessibilité à la classe ordinaire: perceptions d'élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales

V Bernier, N Gaudreau, L Massé - Revue des sciences de l'éducation, 2021 - erudit.org
Les élèves présentant des difficultés comportementales sont généralement perçu⋅ e⋅ s
comme plus difficiles à scolariser en classe ordinaire. À l'aide du modèle de causalité …

[PDF][PDF] A study of the experiences of post primary students with special educational needs

G Squires, A Kalambouka, J Bragg - National Council for Special Education …, 2016 - ncse.ie
This commissioned study explores the views of 223 students with special educational needs
to understand their experiences of post-primary education. 30 post-primary settings …

Supporting students' mental health and emotional well-being in inclusive classrooms

D Graham, I Killoran, G Parekh - Gaming and Technology Addiction …, 2017 - igi-global.com
Many governments, organizations, and school boards have recently committed to focusing
their attention on children's Mental Health and Emotional Well-being (MHEW)(eg, Kidger …

[图书][B] Challenges surrounding the education of children with chronic diseases

M Gordon - 2015 - books.google.com
While governing bodies have mandated that all students have the right to an education, with
disabled students treated to the same rights and opportunities as non-disabled students …