[图书][B] From party politics to personalized politics?: Party change and political personalization in democracies

G Rahat, O Kenig - 2018 - books.google.com
What do Beppe Grillo, Silvio Berlusconi, Emmanuel Macron (and also Donald Trump) have
in common? They are prime examples of the personalization of politics and the decline of …

Does campaigning on social media make a difference? Evidence from candidate use of Twitter during the 2015 and 2017 UK elections

J Bright, S Hale, B Ganesh, A Bulovsky… - Communication …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Political campaigning on social media is a core feature of contemporary democracy.
However, evidence of the effectiveness of this type of campaigning is thin. This study tests …

Who reaps the benefits? A cross-country investigation of the absolute and relative normalization and equalization theses in the 2019 European Parliament elections

M Bene - New media & society, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
This study is designed to contribute to the debate on whether Facebook is a normalizing or
equalizing force in political competition in the context of the 2019 European Parliament …

Followers, spread the message! Predicting the success of Swiss politicians on Facebook and Twitter

TR Keller, K Kleinen-von Königslöw - Social Media+ Society, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Politicians have been criticized for not exploiting the deliberative potential of social media
platforms. We complement previous definitions of politicians' success on social media …

[图书][B] When the nerds go marching in: How digital technology moved from the margins to the mainstream of political campaigns

RK Gibson - 2020 - library.oapen.org
When the Nerds Go Marching In shows how digital technology has moved from the margins
to the mainstream of campaign and election organization in contemporary democracies …

Emotional showdown on social media: analyzing user reactions to the 2016 US presidential campaign

MB Babac - Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose Social media platforms are highly visible platforms, so politicians try to maximize
their benefits from their use, especially during election campaigns. On the other side, people …

Social media influence and electoral competition

Y Shmargad, L Sanchez - Social Science Computer Review, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Do social media platforms help or hinder democracy? Internet enthusiasts posit that social
media could have a democratizing effect by lowering the costs of promotion, while skeptics …

New medium, old strategies? Comparing online and traditional campaign posters for German Bundestag elections, 2013–2017

D Steffan, N Venema - European Journal of Communication, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
Election campaigns in hybrid media systems are characterised by the integration of newer
and older media. With the rise of social media platforms, newer tools of political …

Digital learning and extending electoral authoritarianism in Singapore

N Tan - Democratization, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This study demonstrates how a hegemonic party learns from its early missteps to become an
adept social media user, competing and expanding its digital influence. Singapore's long …

[PDF][PDF] „Zwischen Hatespeech und Deliberation: affektive Öffentlichkeiten und politische Kommunikation in den sozialen Medien “

HJ Bucher, C Barth - Mediale Emotionskulturen, 2019 - researchgate.net
In der Analyse politischer Kommunikation und politischer Öffentlichkeiten spielen Emotionen
bislang allerdings eine eher randständige Rolle, obwohl ihnen in der politischen Rhetorik …