Why is everyone talking about brain state?

AS Greene, C Horien, D Barson, D Scheinost… - Trends in …, 2023 - cell.com
The rapid and coordinated propagation of neural activity across the brain provides the
foundation for complex behavior and cognition. Technical advances across neuroscience …

Thalamic functions in distributed cognitive control

MM Halassa, S Kastner - Nature neuroscience, 2017 - nature.com
Cognition can be conceptualized as a set of algorithmic control functions whose real-time
deployment determines how an organism stores and uses information to guide thought and …

Shared mechanisms underlie the control of working memory and attention

MF Panichello, TJ Buschman - Nature, 2021 - nature.com
Cognitive control guides behaviour by controlling what, when, and how information is
represented in the brain. For example, attention controls sensory processing; top-down …

Neural mechanisms of sustained attention are rhythmic

RF Helfrich, IC Fiebelkorn, SM Szczepanski, JJ Lin… - Neuron, 2018 - cell.com
Classic models of attention suggest that sustained neural firing constitutes a neural correlate
of sustained attention. However, recent evidence indicates that behavioral performance …

Heterogeneity within the frontoparietal control network and its relationship to the default and dorsal attention networks

ML Dixon, A De La Vega, C Mills… - Proceedings of the …, 2018 - National Acad Sciences
The frontoparietal control network (FPCN) plays a central role in executive control. It has
been predominantly viewed as a unitary domain general system. Here, we examined …

Neuromodulation of brain state and behavior

DA McCormick, DB Nestvogel… - Annual review of …, 2020 - annualreviews.org
Neural activity and behavior are both notoriously variable, with responses differing widely
between repeated presentation of identical stimuli or trials. Recent results in humans and …

The locus coeruleus-norepinephrine system in stress and arousal: unraveling historical, current, and future perspectives

JA Ross, EJ Van Bockstaele - Frontiers in psychiatry, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Arousal may be understood on a spectrum, with excessive sleepiness, cognitive dysfunction,
and inattention on one side, a wakeful state in the middle, and hypervigilance, panic, and …

Attention in flux

AC Nobre, F van Ede - Neuron, 2023 - cell.com
Selective attention comprises essential infrastructural functions supporting cognition—
anticipating, prioritizing, selecting, routing, integrating, and preparing signals to guide …

Models of sustained attention

M Esterman, D Rothlein - Current opinion in psychology, 2019 - Elsevier
Highlights•Numerous neurocognitive factors contribute to sustained attention.•Attention
fluctuates alongside shifting arousal, effort, and resource allocation.•An information …

[图书][B] Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais

P Dalgalarrondo - 2018 - books.google.com
Page 1 Atualizado de acordo com O DSM-5 e a CID-11 Paulo Dalgalarrondo PSICO patologia
e Semiologia dOs TranstOrnOs Mentais Page 2 Aviso Todo esforço foi feito para garantir a …