M Nikolić, K Krstić - Psihološka istraživanja, 2023 - scindeks.ceon.rs
The paper deals with the daughter-father avoidant attachment. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics, relationships and behaviour of fathers that are perceived by the …
K Petrović - Универзитет Унион, 2021 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
Ovaj rad istražuje i analizira temu koja godinama intrigira naučnu, stručnu i laičku javnost, au domaćoj pravnoj teoriji još uvek nije dovoljno istražena. Poslednjih godina, velike …
J Todorović, MS Šnele, MH Pešić - Psychological applications and …, 2020 - academia.edu
There are multiple contributors that help maintain and improve partner relationships in marriage, however, there are also those that cause the quality of marriage to decrease. As a …
SAŽETAK U istraživačkom radu na temu “Struktura porodice kao prediktor ponašanja učenika u školi” riječ je o uticaju porodične strukture na pojedine segmente ponašanja …
Sažetak Although quality of life and satisfaction/dissatisfaction with various life roles are constructs closely related to family relations, the data on how these are related to child …
САЖЕТАК Истраживање је спроведено са циљем да испитамо повезаност васпитних ставова родитеља перципираних од стране њихове деце са задовољством породице …
S Redžić - Sociološki godišnjak, 2016 - bic-pk.ceon.rs
Author presents three broad approaches explaining gender differences: essentialistic, constructivistic and social learning theory. Does the fact of hormones, brain lateralization, or …
D Vučinić - Vojno delo, 2015 - data-scindeks.ceon.rs
Samples of the Military High School students (N= 170) and students of civil high schools (N= 204) were examined for family functioning perception characteristics from the perspective of …
S Vidanović, B Biserčić… - TEME: Casopis za …, 2013 - teme2.junis.ni.ac.rs
This paper attempts to determine whether there are differences in anxiety, aggression, and gender roles between sport shooters and non-athletes. Our sample consists of 45 shooters …