Paradigms, practices and politics: Ethics and the language of human embryo transfer/donation/rescue/adoption

SV Brakman - … casuistry: Moral arguments, economic realities, and …, 2007 - Springer
Nearly 400,000 frozen embryos created as a result of in vitro fertilization (IVF) are in storage
in the United States (Hoffman et al., 2003; Eydoux et al., 2004). Approximately 88% of these …

Introduction: The ethics of embryo adoption and the Catholic tradition

SV Brakman, DF Weaver - The ethics of embryo adoption and the catholic …, 2007 - Springer
In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET or more commonly IVF), first successfully
accomplished in humans in 1978 (Steptoe & Edwards, 1978), has become the treatment of …

Embryo adoption and the law

ECC Cheely - The ethics of embryo adoption and the catholic tradition …, 2007 - Springer
The adoption of frozen embryos is an international practice that has proved challenging from
a legal perspective. More and more couples and individuals are procreating through …