Populasi ternak, infrasturktur peternakan dan daya dukung pakan merupakan beberapa kriteria parametric dalam penentuan sentra peternakan sapi potong. Kecamatan Lau …
This study was done to determine the financial feasibility of beef cattle fattening and the factors affecting on amount of cattle ownership of small scale farmer in Karanganyar District …
H Mayulu, TP Daru - Journal of Tropical AgriFood, 2019 - core.ac.uk
Pembangunan peternakan merupakan reorientasi kebijakan pertanian yang memiliki paradigma baru, yakni: secara makro berpihak kepada rakyat, pendelegasian tanggung …
Beef consumption tends to increase over time, but the growth of domestic beef production is lower than the growth of consumption. This has led to the increase in import. In line with the …
N Ilham - Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian, 2006 - epublikasi.pertanian.go.id
Alasan mengapa penting sapi potong ditingkatkan perannya sehingga mampu mencapai swasembada daging:(1) subsektor peternakan berpotensi dijadikan sumber pertumbuhan …
The study aimed to analyze the implementation of subsystem agribusiness on the beef cattle farming in Central Java. Five districts (Rembang, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali and Wonogiri) …
Indonesian beef market is very interesting considering the 250 million people residing in the country. In a year, around 670 million kg of beef are consumed; 440 million kg are supplied …
SH Purnomo, ET Rahayu, SB Antoro - Buletin Peternakan, 2017 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
This study was aimed to determine the principal factors that may affect any development of the cattle business and know what strategies can be applied in the development of the cattle …
Abstract Kelompok Ternak Lembah Meru merupakan salah satu kelompok yang mengusahakan pembibitan ternak kambing PE (Peranakan Etawah). Permasalahan dalam …