Structure of the Scandes lithosphere from surface to depth

J Ebbing, RW England, T Korja, T Lauritsen, O Olesen… - Tectonophysics, 2012 - Elsevier
In this review we give an overview of geophysical data and models available for the
Scandinavian mountains and adjacent areas, as they are of relevance to the debate about …

Directionality of ambient noise on the Juan de Fuca plate: Implications for source locations of the primary and secondary microseisms

Y Tian, MH Ritzwoller - Geophysical Journal International, 2015 -
Based on cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise computed using 61 ocean bottom
seismometers (OBSs) within the Juan de Fuca (JdF) plate from the Cascadia Initiative …

Investigation of Cascadia segmentation with ambient noise tomography

RW Porritt, RM Allen, DC Boyarko… - Earth and Planetary …, 2011 - Elsevier
Along strike variation in the characteristics of subduction zone processes has been
observed throughout the Cascadia Subduction Zone through magmas analysis of arc …

The deep structure of the Scandes and its relation to tectonic history and present-day topography

V Maupin, A Agostini, I Artemieva, N Balling… - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
We review the results of the TopoScandiaDeep project, a component of the TOPOEUROPE
project, in which we have studied the crustal and upper mantle structures of southern …

Extracting reliable empirical Green's functions using weighted cross-correlation functions of ambient seismic noise in west-central and southern Brazil

T Shirzad, M Safarkhani… - Geophysical Journal …, 2022 -
Ambient seismic noise is now routinely used to study the Earth's interior. For an isotropic
homogeneous medium, the basic assumption to extract seismic phases from a station pair is …

Improved implementation of the fk and Capon methods for array analysis of seismic noise

M Gal, AM Reading, SP Ellingsen… - Geophysical Journal …, 2014 -
The frequency–wavenumber (fk) and Capon methods are widely used in seismic array
studies of background or ambient noise to infer the backazimuth and slowness of …

On the effect of topography on surface wave propagation in the ambient noise frequency range

A Köhler, C Weidle, V Maupin - Journal of Seismology, 2012 - Springer
Due to the increasing popularity of analyzing empirical Green's functions obtained from
ambient seismic noise, more and more regional tomographical studies based on short …

Noise directivity and group velocity tomography in a region with small velocity contrasts: The northern Baltic shield

P Poli, HA Pedersen, M Campillo… - Geophysical Journal …, 2013 -
Ambient noise tomography (ANT) is widely used to image strong velocity variations within
the upper crust. Using careful processing, we obtained a 3-D model of shear velocities in the …

The East Greenland Caledonides—teleseismic signature, gravity and isostasy

C Schiffer, BH Jacobsen, N Balling… - Geophysical Journal …, 2015 -
The large-scale geological evolution of the North Atlantic Realm during the past 450 Myr is
largely understood, but crucial elements remain uncertain. These involve the Caledonian …

Implications for anomalous mantle pressure and dynamic topography from lithospheric stress patterns in the North Atlantic Realm

C Schiffer, SB Nielsen - Journal of Geodynamics, 2016 - Elsevier
With convergent plate boundaries at some distance, the sources of the lithospheric stress
field of the North Atlantic Realm are mainly mantle tractions at the base of the lithosphere …