RA Syakurah - J-Dinamika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2023 - publikasi.polije.ac.id
Untuk mewujudkan pelayanan yang berkualitas, RSUD Bangka Tengah mempersiapkan pelatihan kepada pegawai. Salah satu pelatihan tersebut yaitu pelatihan Personal Capacity …
BM Girsang, E Elfira, PAA Sirait - International Conference on …, 2022 - atlantis-press.com
Drug administration is a form of pharmacist-to-nurse delegation that takes up approximately 40% of a nurse's time, including administration, documentation, administration, and …
F Salma, R Benni - Ensiklopedia of Journal, 2023 - eprints.umsb.ac.id
Putusan MA No. 1001. K/Pdt/2017 merupakan kasasi penggugat terhadap para tergugat yang memberikan jasa pelayanan medis di RS MMC. Akibat perbuatan para penggugat, istri …
S Fadillah, B Rusli - Ensiklopedia of Journal, 2023 - jurnal.ensiklopediaku.org
Supreme Court Decision No. 1001. K/Pdt/2017 is the plaintiff's cassation against the defendants who providing medical services at the MMC Hospital. As a result of the actions of …
The purpose of this study was to determine the supervision of village funds by the village consultative body (BPD) in Kampung Poo, Jagebob District, Merauke Regency. The …