Quantum secure direct communication with quantum memory

W Zhang, DS Ding, YB Sheng, L Zhou, BS Shi… - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
Quantum communication provides an absolute security advantage, and it has been widely
developed over the past 30 years. As an important branch of quantum communication …

Highly-efficient quantum memory for polarization qubits in a spatially-multiplexed cold atomic ensemble

P Vernaz-Gris, K Huang, M Cao, AS Sheremet… - Nature …, 2018 - nature.com
Quantum memory for flying optical qubits is a key enabler for a wide range of applications in
quantum information. A critical figure of merit is the overall storage and retrieval efficiency …

High-performance Raman quantum memory with optimal control in room temperature atoms

J Guo, X Feng, P Yang, Z Yu, LQ Chen… - Nature …, 2019 - nature.com
Quantum memories are essential for quantum information processing. Techniques have
been developed for quantum memory based on atomic ensembles. The atomic memories …

Laser frequency stabilization by bichromatic saturation absorption spectroscopy

G Genov, TE Lellinger, T Halfmann, T Peters - JOSA B, 2017 - opg.optica.org
We present and analyze a bichromatic version of the well-known saturation absorption
spectroscopy technique used to stabilize lasers to atomic resonances without Doppler …

Free-space quantum communication with a portable quantum memory

M Namazi, G Vallone, B Jordaan, C Goham… - Physical Review …, 2017 - APS
The realization of an elementary quantum network that is intrinsically secure and operates
over long distances requires the interconnection of several quantum modules performing …

Optical-density-enhanced squeezed-light generation without optical cavities

YL Chuang, RK Lee, IA Yu - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
To achieve a high degree of quantum noise squeezing, an optical cavity is often employed
to enhance the interaction time between light and matter. Here, we propose to utilize the …

Interfacing a two-photon NOON state with an atomic quantum memory

W Zhang, MX Dong, DS Ding, S Shi, K Wang, ZY Zhou… - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
Multiphoton entangled states play a crucial role in quantum information applications such as
secure quantum communication, scalable computation, and high-precision quantum …

Echo‐Based Quantum Memory

GT Campbell, KR Ferguson, MJ Sellars… - … From Foundations to …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This chapter focuses on memories that are based on photon echoes. To overcome the
problems of population inversion and reabsorption, a number of photon echo schemes have …

A coherent microwave interface for manipulation of single optical photons

S BALL - 2017 - etheses.dur.ac.uk
This thesis proposes a means of implementing quantum information processing using
photonic qubits as information carriers. Electromagnetically-induced transparency …

[PDF][PDF] Free space quantum communication with quantum memory

M Namazi, G Vallone, B Jordaan, C Goham… - preprint available … - researchgate.net
The field of quantum information has recently seen remarkable progress regarding the
implementation of elementary quantum devices and quantum communication protocols. On …