The employment of discourse markers (DMs), such as well, so, you know, I mean, is considered an integral part of spoken discourse. Among their various functions in discourse …
This research aims to find out the types of discourse markers used in the teacher talk and the reasons for the presence of its dominant use. The subject of this study was an English …
Sažetak Diskursne oznake, multifunkcionalne jezične jedinice čija je glavna uloga uspostavljanje kohezivnih i koherencijskih veza u diskursu te stvaranje interaktivnih veza …
The aim of our research is to make an attempt at synthesizing work in linguistic and discourse analysis while defining peculiarities of the function words in general and words …
As essential elements of pragmatic and communicative competence, discourse markers (DMs) can help L2 learners not only to sound more natural, but also to cope with the …