It was discovered some years ago that there exist non-integer real numbers q> 1 for which only one sequence (ci) of integers ci∈[0, q) satisfies the equality∑ i= 1∞ ciq− i= 1. The set …
C Smyth - arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.0195, 2014 -
In this article I state and prove some basic results about Salem numbers, and then survey some of the literature about them. My intention is to complement other general treatises on …
Golden gaskets: variations on the Sierpiński sieve Page 1 Nonlinearity Golden gaskets: variations on the Sierpiński sieve To cite this article: Dave Broomhead et al 2004 Nonlinearity 17 …
By the m-spectrum of a real number q> 1 we mean the set Ym (q) of values p (q) where p runs over the height m polynomials with integer coefficients. These sets have been …
DJ Feng - Journal of the European Mathematical Society (EMS …, 2016 -
It is well known that Ym (q) is not dense in R in the following two cases: when q is a Pisot number (Garsia [12]) or q≥ m+ 1 (Erdos and Komornik [9]). Recall that a Pisot number is an …
E Olivier, N Sidorov, A Thomas - Monatshefte für Mathematik, 2005 - Springer
We consider infinitely convolved Bernoulli measures (or simply Bernoulli convolutions) related to the β-numeration. A matrix decomposition of these measures is obtained in the …
KG Hare - Computer Algebra 2006: Latest Advances in Symbolic …, 2007 - World Scientific
This paper is based on a talk given at WWCA (Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra) held at Wilfird Laurier University, April 2006. This paper gives a history of beta-expansions …
DJ Feng, Y Wang - Advances in Mathematics, 2004 - Elsevier
The Bernoulli convolution νλ measure is shown to be absolutely continuous with L2 density for almost all 1 2< λ< 1, and singular if λ− 1 is a Pisot number. It is an open question whether …