Sociomathematical scaffolding as students engage in revising draft definitions, conjectures, and proofs

K Vroom, B Ellis - Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2024 - Springer
Instructors manage several tensions as they engage students in defining, conjecturing, and
proving, including building on students' contributions while maintaining the integrity of …

Students' use of technological tools to engage in collective mathematical proof activity

T Alzaga Elizondo, D Brown - International Journal of Computer …, 2024 - Springer
While there are many documented approaches to using technological tools to support
collaboration in remote environments, studies related to proof-based courses are …

Sociomathematical Scaffolding as Students Engage in Disciplinary Practices.

K Vroom - North American Chapter of the International Group for …, 2023 - ERIC
Instructors manage several tensions as they support students to engage in mathematical
disciplinary practices such as defining, conjecturing, and proving. These tensions include …

Collective Proving Activity in a Synchronous Online Environment

TA Elizondo - 2022 -
Given the well documented fact students often struggle with proof and proof-related activity
for various reasons, more educators have shifted to incorporating pedagogies involving …

Collective Proving Activity in a Synchronous Online Environment

T Alzaga Elizondo - 2022 -
Given the well documented fact students often struggle with proof and proof-related activity
for various reasons, more educators have shifted to incorporating pedagogies involving …