Sex chromosome drive

Q Helleu, PR Gérard… - Cold Spring Harbor …, 2015 -
Sex chromosome drivers are selfish elements that subvert Mendel's first law of segregation
and therefore are overrepresented among the products of meiosis. The sex-biased progeny …

Altitudinal variation at duplicated β-globin genes in deer mice: effects of selection, recombination, and gene conversion

JF Storz, C Natarajan, ZA Cheviron, FG Hoffmann… - Genetics, 2012 -
Spatially varying selection on a given polymorphism is expected to produce a localized peak
in the between-population component of nucleotide diversity, and theory suggests that the …

Local dynamics of a fast‐evolving sex‐ratio system in Drosophila simulans

H Bastide, PR Gérard, D Ogereau… - Molecular …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
By distorting M endelian transmission to their own advantage, X‐linked meiotic drive
elements can rapidly spread in natural populations, generating a sex‐ratio bias. One …