[HTML][HTML] The Nonadditive Entropy Sq and Its Applications in Physics and Elsewhere: Some Remarks

C Tsallis - Entropy, 2011 - mdpi.com
The nonadditive entropy S q has been introduced in 1988 focusing on a generalization of
Boltzmann–Gibbs (BG) statistical mechanics. The aim was to cover a (possibly wide) class of …

Tsallis q-Statistics in Seismology

LDG Sigalotti, A Ramírez-Rojas, CA Vargas - Entropy, 2023 - mdpi.com
Non-extensive statistical mechanics (or q-statistics) is based on the so-called non-additive
Tsallis entropy. Since its introduction by Tsallis, in 1988, as a generalization of the …

[图书][B] Introduction to nonextensive statistical mechanics: approaching a complex world

C Tsallis - 2009 - Springer
Metaphors, generalizations and unifications are natural and desirable ingredients of the
evolution of scientific theories and concepts. Physics, in particular, obviously walks along …

Geospace perturbations induced by the Earth: The state of the art and future trends

A De Santis, G De Franceschi, L Spogli… - … of the Earth, Parts A/b/c, 2015 - Elsevier
A systematic multi-parameter and multi-platform approach to study the slow process of
earthquake preparation is fundamental to gain some insights on this complex phenomenon …

Analysis of Italian seismicity by using a nonextensive approach

L Telesca - Tectonophysics, 2010 - Elsevier
Using the INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology) seismic catalogue,
nonextensive analysis of the instrumental seismicity of Italy was performed. The time span of …

[HTML][HTML] Wavelet based seismic signal de-noising using Shannon and Tsallis entropy

M Beenamol, S Prabavathy, J Mohanalin - Computers & Mathematics with …, 2012 - Elsevier
Seismograms are the vital sources of information in seismic engineering. But, these records
are always contaminated with noise which has to be removed before using them in seismic …

Unfolding the procedure of characterizing recorded ultra low frequency, kHZ and MHz electromagnetic anomalies prior to the L'Aquila earthquake as pre-seismic ones …

K Eftaxias, G Balasis, Y Contoyiannis… - … Hazards and Earth …, 2010 - nhess.copernicus.org
Ultra low frequency-ULF (1 Hz or lower), kHz and MHz electromagnetic (EM) anomalies
were recorded prior to the L'Aquila catastrophic earthquake (EQ) that occurred on 6 April …

Satellite detection of carbon monoxide emission prior to the Gujarat earthquake of 26 January 2001

RP Singh, JS Kumar, J Zlotnicki, M Kafatos - Applied Geochemistry, 2010 - Elsevier
NOAA AVHRR images have clearly shown anomalous changes in land surface temperature
associated with earthquakes in the past two decades. Soon after the Gujarat earthquake of …

[PDF][PDF] Electromagnetic pre-earthquake precursors: Mechanisms, data and models-A review

E Petraki, D Nikolopoulos, C Nomicos… - J. Earth Sci. Clim …, 2015 - academia.edu
1Brunel University, Department of Engineering and Design, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge,
Middlesex UB8 3PH, London, UK 2TEI of Piraeus, Department of Electronic Computer …

Fractional Brownian motion, fractional Gaussian noise, and Tsallis permutation entropy

L Zunino, DG Pérez, A Kowalski, MT Martín… - Physica A: Statistical …, 2008 - Elsevier
In this work, we analyze two important stochastic processes, the fractional Brownian motion
and fractional Gaussian noise, within the framework of the Tsallis permutation entropy. This …
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