The predominant paradigm for using machine learning models on a device is to train a model in the cloud and perform inference using the trained model on the device. However …
Data parallel training is widely used for scaling distributed deep neural network (DNN) training. However, the performance benefits are often limited by the communication-heavy …
Modern deep neural networks (DNNs) training typically relies on GPUs to train complex hundred-layer deep networks. A significant problem facing both researchers and industry …
Researchers have proposed hardware, software, and algorithmic optimizations to improve the computational performance of deep learning. While some of these optimizations perform …
Distributed deep neural network (DDNN) training constitutes an increasingly important workload that frequently runs in the cloud. Larger DNN models and faster compute engines …
Deep Learning (DL) has achieved remarkable progress over the last decade on various tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. In …
Dataloaders, in charge of moving data from storage into GPUs while training machine learning models, might hold the key to drastically improving the performance of training jobs …
We introduce Deep500: the first customizable benchmarking infrastructure that enables fair comparison of the plethora of deep learning frameworks, algorithms, libraries, and …
Background In deep learning the most significant breakthrough in the field of image recognition, object detection language processing was done by Convolutional Neural …