A fundamental challenge in non-destructive evaluation using ultrasound is to accurately estimate the thicknesses of different layers or cracks present in the object under …
The acoustic modality yields non destructive testing techniques of choice for in-depth investigation. Given a precise model of acoustic wave propagation in materials of possibly …
The possibility of using the method of compressive sensing (CS) to increase the resolution of echo signals is investigated. For comparison with the CS method, the maximum entropy …
Изучены особенности восстановления разнообразия растительных сообществ, формирующихся в разных эдафических условиях. В период 2006–2020 гг. наблюдали …
Résumé Ce travail de thèse concerne l'étude et l'implémentation des méthodes de traitement des signaux ultrasonores basées sur la déconvolution, appliquées à la détection …