A Marcacci - European business organization law review, 2017 - Springer
The article claims that contract law principles are being used by transnational financial regulation to set a world-wide (proto) normative framework regulating intra-firm processes …
Despite the fact that a substantial body of European Community (EC) law already exists to protect retail investors, the markets in retail investment services and products in the EU …
F Annunziata - Fintech Regulation and the Licensing Principle …, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper aims to provide an analysis of licensing rules contained in the upcom-ing, new Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA). It focuses on MiCA's general features and on …
F Möslein - European Business Organization Law Review, 2015 - Springer
Third parties (like clients or creditors) are inevitably affected by banking regulation and supervision, even if the respective measures may formally only take effect between …
A Marcacci - European Business Law Review, 2023 - kluwerlawonline.com
Financial institutions must play their part in the fight against climate change. In this context, the concept of the Anthropocene becomes relevant for securities markets via terms such as …
OO Cherednychenko - Constitutionalization of European private …, 2014 - papers.ssrn.com
Although it seems to be undisputed today that the harmonisation of private law in the EU cannot take place without due regard for fundamental rights, many questions still exist as to …
HE Töremiş - Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi …, 2020 - dergipark.org.tr
Bu çalışma, Bilkent Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Özel Hukuk Doktora Programı kapsamında hazırlanan “Yatırım Hizmet ve Faaliyetleri Bağlamında Yatırımcının Tüketici Olarak …
A Figueiredo - Coimbra, Almedina, 2012 - run.unl.pt
II. Ao longo do texto, as citações são em regra (apenas excecionada nos casos em que a indicação de outro elemento seja relevante) feitas com indicação do nome abreviado do …
O objectivo do presente estudo consiste em avaliar a adequação de uma responsabilidade civil por propecto centrada na reparação dos danos sofridos por cada investidor, isto é …