I Magda, A Samaha, MM Sharaf, SA Hemeda - Egypt. Poult. Sci, 2010 - researchgate.net
A random bred population of Japanese quails was reared for four successive generations under proper environmental conditions to estimate genetic and phenotypic parameters of …
DI Aboul-Seoud, DI Aboul-Seoud… - Al-Azhar Journal of …, 2021 - ajar.journals.ekb.eg
A crossbreeding experiment was carried out using two selected lines of Japanese quail,(Early and Lately age at Sexual Maturity)(EASM&LASM lines were established for …
In conclusion, growth traits (body weight at 6 week of age,(BWG) and (GR) at different studied periods) were correlated with early ASM. In Japanese quail, early sexual maturity …
BYF Mahmoud, G Abou Khadiga, EA El-Full - Egypt Poult. Sci, 2014 - epsj.journals.ekb.eg
A selection experiment was conducted at the Poultry Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Fayoum University using a total number of 4923 birds of three successive …
EA Eissa, BY Mahmoud… - Egyptian Poultry …, 2014 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Productive performance and RAPD analysis were used to find the genetic variations and relatedness among two selected, maternal (line1) and long shank length (line3), and …
SF Gihan, AEF Ensaf - 2012 - cabidigitallibrary.org
This study was conducted to estimate the heritability, genetic and phenotypic correlations of the clutches number (CN), pauses number (PN), clutches length (CL), pauses length (PL) …
AA Abdel-Moutalib, DI Aboul-Seoud… - Journal of Animal and …, 2023 - journals.ekb.eg
A crossbreeding experiment was carried out using two selected lines of Japanese quail (the brown line and the white line; lines were established for egg and meat production). A total of …
EA Manaa, KM El-Bayomi… - Benha Veterinary Medical …, 2015 - bvmj.journals.ekb.eg
The main objective of this work was to evaluate the means and genetic parameters for egg productiontraits of random population of Japanese quail including average egg weight, egg …
The present study aimed to estimate the genetic parameters and evaluate the genetics trend of body weight traits and right shank length of Japanese quail data selected two generation …