Layout design of parking lots with mathematical programming

K Stephan, F Weidinger, N Boysen - Transportation Science, 2021 -
There is a vivid debate in cities all over the world on how to distribute the restricted space in
urban areas among stakeholders. Urban design movements such as new pedestrianism or …

New approach for an easily detachable electric drive unit for off-the-shelf bicycles

F Roemer, M Mrosek, S Schmalfuss… - World Electric Vehicle …, 2018 -
While an increasing number of electric bicycles are sold, the majority is still conventional, ie,
pedal powered. Electric bicycles could raise the share of people cycling in place of more …

[图书][B] Mobility and Transportation

WH Arndt - 2015 -
6 PREFACE climate-responsive and energy-efficient structures in large and fast-growing
cities or megacities. The programme is a globally focused component of the Federal …

[PDF][PDF] The role of motorized 2-wheelers in an energy efficient transport system

P Pfaffenbichler, G Circella - Proc. of the European Council for an …, 2009 -
Abstract In Middle and Northern Europe motorcycling is mainly seen as leisure or sport
activity. However, in many South European cities motorcycles play a vital role in daily …

[PDF][PDF] Die Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit innovativer städtebaulicher Maßnahmen mit dem Simulationsmodell MARS

Die Verkehrs-und Stadtplanung verspricht sich von der Maßnahme Telearbeit, dh der
temporären Arbeit in den eigenen vier Wänden, sehr viel. Es wird erwartet, dass sie die …

[PDF][PDF] New indicators for new infrastructure

H Frey, A Mayerthaler, U Leth - Road and Rail Infrastructure …, 2017 -
The share of people living in cities is increasing worldwide. This makes public space in cities
a scarce good. Subsequently not only the challenges in the transport system are increasing …

[图书][B] Verringerung des Flächenverbrauchs durch verkehrliche Massnahmen am Beispiel der Region Wien

G Emberger, P Pfaffenbichler - 2001 -
Durch die Analyse der im System wirkenden Regelkreise können Maßnahmen abgeleitet
werden, welche zieladäquat (Reduzierung des Flächenverbrauchs) in das System …

[PDF][PDF] ÖAV: Nachhaltiger Bergsport und umweltfreundliche Mobilität

S Bračun, DBBAH Köhler -
Klimawandel und Umweltprobleme stellen die Menschheit vor eine der größten
Herausforderungen der Gegenwart. Die Folgen der steigenden Treibhausgas-Emissionen …

[PDF][PDF] Mobility in Metropolitan and Peripheral Regions–an Educational Simulation Game

L Hartwig, P Pfaffenbichler, J Stark - CITIES 20.50–Creating Habitats for the …, 2021 -
Metropolitan regions worldwide face the same problems: air pollution, congestion, urban
sprawl. Decades of interventions by policy makers and planners did not change this fact …

Reducing CO2 emissions in the passenger transport sector in Austria: a modelling approach with MARS Austria (MARS-Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator)

A Mayerthaler - 2013 -
Concerns over transport problems have been a constant issue over the past decades and
recently deepened in the context of climate change because of the ever-increasing transport …