Childhood maltreatment and intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization are major psychiatric risk factors. Maltreatment substantially increases the likelihood of subsequent …
Although biological factors may influence the risk of experiencing negative life events, the role of genes in the vulnerability to child victimization remains poorly understood. In a large …
The current study aimed to compare mental health outcomes of children and adolescents with maltreatment experiences to a general population sample. A secondary aim was to …
Self-reported victimization among young women in the Swedish Crime Survey increased during the early-to mid-2010s, resulting in a gender gap, with young women reporting 10 …
Early nonconsensual sexual experiences (NSEs) in childhood or adolescence have been linked to elevated risk for adjustment problems and later victimization in some research …
Misconceptions about child maltreatment, such as inaccurate beliefs about its harmfulness and frequency, are prevalent among laypeople. Clinical psychologists are not exempt from …