Quantum memory is essential for the development of many devices in quantum information processing, including a synchronization tool that matches various processes within a …
Quantum networks provide opportunities and challenges across a range of intellectual and technical frontiers, including quantum computation, communication and metrology. The …
Considerable efforts have been recently devoted to combining ultracold atoms and nanophotonic devices,,–to obtain not only better scalability and figures of merit than in free …
Multiphoton interference reveals strictly nonclassical phenomena. Its applications range from fundamental tests of quantum mechanics to photonic quantum information processing …
We propose a quantum repeater protocol which builds on the well-known Duan-Lukin-Cirac- Zoller (DLCZ) protocol [LM Duan, MD Lukin, JI Cirac, and P. Zoller, Nature (London) 414 …
Developments in quantum information science rely critically on entanglement—a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics that causes parts of a composite system to show …
We demonstrated entanglement distribution between two remote quantum nodes located 3 meters apart. This distribution involves the asynchronous preparation of two pairs of atomic …
Reversible entanglement transfer between light and matter is a crucial requisite for the ongoing developments of quantum information technologies. Quantum networks and their …
Heralded entanglement between collective excitations in two atomic ensembles is probabilistically generated, stored, and converted to single-photon fields. By way of the …