Humans often represent and reason about unrealized possible actions–the vast infinity of things that were not (or have not yet been) chosen. This capacity is central to the most …
This study assesses the role of gold, crude oil and cryptocurrency as a safe haven for traditional, sustainable, and Islamic investors during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Using …
It is well known that norms influence behavior. Beyond simply shaping what people do, we argue that norms constrain what behaviors even come to mind as options, effectively …
Cognitive scientists have been debating how the folk concept of intentional action works. We suggest a simple account: people consider that an agent did X intentionally to the extent that …
Much of our thinking focuses on deciding what to do in situations where the space of possible options is too large to evaluate exhaustively. Previous work has found that people …
When judging what caused an event, people do not treat all factors equally–for instance, they will say that a forest fire was caused by a lit match, and not mention the oxygen in the …
Human behavior is often assumed to be hierarchically structured, made up of abstract actions that can be decomposed into concrete actions. However, behavior is typically …
Knowing which features are frequent among a biological kind (eg, that most zebras have stripes) shapes people's representations of what category members are like (eg, that typical …
Real-world judgements and decisions often require choosing from an open-ended set of options which cannot be exhaustively considered before a choice is made. Recent work has …