A Sadikin - Bina Hukum Lingkungan, 2021 - bhl-jurnal.or.id
Kawasan hutan konservasi diatur dalam UU No. 5 Tahun 1990 tentang KSDAE. Berlakunya Perdirjen KSDAE No. P. 6/KSDAE/SET/Kum. 1/6/2018 tentang petunjuk teknis kemitraan …
C Handoko - Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallacea, 2015 - journal.unhas.ac.id
Perspektif lokal terhadap hak dan konflik tenurial perlu diketahui dalam penyelesaian konflik tenurial hutan secara menyeluruh. Untuk mengetahui perspektif lokal tersebut, dilakukan …
Di tengah perkotaan yang terus-menerus mengalami degradasi diakibatkan oleh praktik pengabaian aspek ekologi secara berlebihan di dalam kerja-kerja kebutuhan material …
In the frame of the implementation of good forest management, the certainty of the factually and legally forest area it is needed in order in order to have solid legal foundation. This …
Indonesia's natural resources need to be protected and preserved, because there are several things that threaten the sustainability of the ecosystem in East Java. Sustainable …
Many businesses have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including those in the catering, hotel, and tourism industries. As a result, in addition to posing a threat to …