In this paper, we consider*-Ricci soliton in the frame-work of Kenmotsu manifolds. First, we prove that if (M, g) is a Kenmotsu manifold and g is a*-Ricci soliton, then soliton constant λ is …
In this paper, we study∗-Conformal η-Ricci soliton on Sasakian manifolds. Here, we discuss some curvature properties on Sasakian manifold admitting∗-Conformal η-Ricci soliton. We …
S Sarkar, S Dey, X Chen - Filomat, 2021 -
The goal of the paper is to deliberate conformal Ricci soliton and*-conformal Ricci soliton within the framework of paracontact geometry. Here we prove that if an η-Einstein para …
Y Wang - Kodai Mathematical Journal, 2020 -
Let ðM, f, x, h, gÞ be a three-dimensional Kenmotsu manifold. In this paper, we prove that the triple ðg, V, lÞ on M is a Ã-Ricci soliton if and only if M is locally isometric to the …
The present paper deals with the investigations of a Kenmotsu manifold satisfying certain curvature conditions endowed with🟉-η-Ricci solitons. First we find some necessary …
In this paper, we study the properties of ϵ-Kenmotsu manifolds if its metrics are* η-Ricci- Yamabe solitons. It is proven that an ϵ-Kenmotsu manifold endowed with a* η-Ricci …
X Dai, Y Zhao, U Chand De - Open Mathematics, 2019 -
Let (M, g) be a non-Kenmotsu (κ, μ)′-almost Kenmotsu manifold of dimension 2 n+ 1. In this paper, we prove that if the metric g of M is a*-Ricci soliton, then either M is locally isometric …
In this paper we study a special type of metric called*∗-Ricci soliton on para-Sasakian manifold. We prove that if the para-Sasakian metric is a*∗-Ricci soliton on a manifold M …