Flat bread: ingredients and fortification

HM Al‐DMOOR - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Flat bread is simple bread made from flattened dough of flour, water, salt, yeast and other
optional ingredients. The manufacture of flat bread necessitates special characteristics in …

Sourdough use in bread production

AS Amr, AM Alkhamaiseh - Jordan Journal of Agricultural …, 2022 - jjournals.ju.edu.jo
The nutritional, economic, and social value of bread as a staple food commodity leads to the
interest in optimizing its production and extending its shelf life through the enhancement of …

Production of two types of pocket‐forming flat bread by the sponge and dough method

A Amr, R Ajo - Cereal chemistry, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Two types of flat bread (thin and thick) were produced from straight‐grade flour by the
traditional straight dough (SD) and sponge and dough (SPD) methods using 50 and 60 …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of lupin flour supplementation on chemical, physical and sensory properties of Mediterranean flat bread

DZ Alomari, SS Abdul-Hussain - world, 2013 - researchgate.net
This study was designed for improving nutritional value of Mediterranean flat bread (MFB) by
adding different lupin flour (LF) levels (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Chemical (moisture …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of acorn flour substitution on arabic bread properties.

RY Ajo - Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2018 - api.pakjas.com.pk
Arabic bread (AB) is the most common type of bread that consumed in the Middle East
countries. It is prepared from white wheat flour which considered to have a low nutritive …

Germinated lupin (Lupinus albus) flour improves Arabic flat bread properties

DZ Al Omari, SS Abdul-Hussain… - … Assurance and Safety …, 2016 - wageningenacademic.com
Arabic flat bread (AFB) is one type of bread that is consumed in most of the Middle East
countries. It is usually prepared from wheat (Triticum aestivum) flour. However, it is low in its …

[HTML][HTML] Utilization of different hydrocolloid combinations in gluten-free bread making

S Maghaydah, S Abdul-Hussain, R Ajo, Y Tawalbeh… - 2013 - scirp.org
Coeliac disease (CD) is a common lifelong disorder with small bowel malabsorption and
gluten intolerance. The only effective treatment for CD is a strict lifelong renunciation of …

Concentration of acidic whey and its functionality in French type bread

AK Yousif, MA Abou‐Eisheh… - … journal of dairy …, 1998 - Wiley Online Library
Two techniques, ie, the climbing film, natural circulation evaporator and the double jacketed
open pan evaporator, were used to concentrate the acidic whey. The unconcentrated (raw) …

Physicochemical and microbiological properties of Arabic flatbread produced from wild natural sour starters

AM Al-Khamaiseh, AS Amr, MA Al-Holy, HM Al-Qadiri… - Food Bioscience, 2023 - Elsevier
Background and objectives Extensive research studies worldwide have discussed and
analyzed the sourdough nutritional, chemical, and biotechnological aspects of western types …

Characteristics of thick kmaj bread enrichment with faba bean (Vicia faba) flour

RY Ajo - Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & …, 2013 - wageningenacademic.com
Thick kmaj is a flat bread type known in the west as pita bread that promotes the use of
composite flour from inexpensive sources with high protein content to substitute wheat flour …