Consensus ranking for increasing mean average precision in keyword spotting

A Hast - VIPERC 2020, 2nd International Workshop on Visual …, 2020 -
Word spotting use a query word image to find any instances of that word among document
images. The obtained list of words is ranked according to similarity to the query word …

Digital libraries: Supporting open science

P Manghi, L Candela, E Lazzeri, G Silvello - ACM SIGMOD Record, 2020 -
The Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL) is the annual Italian forum to
discuss research topics on Digital Libraries and related technical, practical, and social …

SIGMOD Officers, Committees, and Awardees

S Record - SIGMOD record, 2012 -
This issue starts with the Database Principles column presenting an article by ten Cate and
colleagues on algorithms for solving the fitting problem for conjunctive queries. The fitting …

[PDF][PDF] Digital Libraries: supporting Open Science-Report on the 15th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries

P Manghi, L Candela, E Lazzeri, G Silvello - SIGMOD RECORD, 2019 -
The Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL) is the annual Italian forum to
discuss research topics on Digital Libraries and related technical, practical, and social …