Abstract This work presents APPMAR 1.0, an application written in the Python programming language that downloads, processes, and analyzes wind and wave data. This application is …
ABSTRACT Cruz, CJ; Mendoza, E.; Silva, R., and Chávez, V., 2019. Assessing degrees of anthropization on the coast of Mexico from ecosystem conservation and population growth …
This paper proposes a methodology to assess the wind risk of electrical transmission towers considering the coupling of the tower with the cables and a failure mechanism based on …
ABSTRACT Felix, A.; Mendoza, E.; Chávez, V.; Silva, R., and Rivillas-Ospina, G. 2018. Wave and Wind Energy Potential Including Extreme Events: A Case Study of Mexico. In: Shim, J …
Este trabajo presenta un estudio del clima de oleaje para el mar Caribe colombiano, entre las coordenadas 8° N y 16° N de latitud y 84° W y 70° W de longitud, y su potencial …
This work presents an application called APPMAR 1.0 based on Python® environment, built to perform the downloading, treatment and analysis of meteorological and marine …
CP Urbano-Latorre, CJ Dagua Paz… - researchgate.net
Este trabajo presenta un estudio del clima de oleaje para el mar Caribe colombiano, entre las coordenadas 8 N y 16 N de latitud y 84 W y 70 W de longitud, y su potencial energético …
En México son muchos los conflictos actuales por la tenencia de la tierra y el uso de suelo costero, los cambios dinámicos de la zona federal marítimo terrestre, entre varios, lo que …
ABSTRACT A mathematical optimization problem is analyzed to obtain the most suitable T- head jetty design in an artificial tidal inlet system. In this study, the T-head jetty is considered …