The Power and the Pleasure? A Research Agenda for “Making12 Gender Stick” to Engineers

W Faulkner - Women, science, and technology, 2010 -
This article is structured around four interrelated themes. The first briefly explores some of
the equations between masculinity and technology that arguably contribute to the continued …

Why so few women directors in top UK boardrooms? Evidence and theoretical explanations

V Singh, S Vinnicombe - Corporate governance: an …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Using evidence from a survey of women directors in FTSE 100 companies, this paper
considers possible explanations for the persistent homogeneity of top UK boards. Only 61 …

Doing gender in engineering workplace cultures. II. Gender in/authenticity and the in/visibility paradox

W Faulkner - Engineering Studies, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
Part I of this paper (in Volume 1, Issue 1) presented fieldwork observations about everyday
interactions in engineering workplace cultures, which tend to make it easier for men than for …

Feminism and constructivism: Do artifacts have gender?

AJ Berg, M Lie - Science, Technology, & Human Values, 1995 -
This article explores possibilities for establishing dialogues between feminism and
constructivism in the field of technology studies. Based on an overview of Norwegian …

Creativity and implementations of new ideas: Do organisational structure, work environment and gender matter?

L Foss, K Woll, M Moilanen - International Journal of Gender and …, 2013 -
Purpose–This paper uses a combination of organisation theory, gender theory and the work
environment to study the generation and implementation of new ideas in organisations. How …

Flexible work and flexible fathers

B Brandth, E Kvande - Work, employment and society, 2001 -
The expansion of the parental leave scheme in Norway, which now grants extensive rights
to employed fathers, has occured in a period of great changes in working life. The equality …

Female top leaders–prisoners of gender? The gendering of leadership discourses in Norwegian sports organizations

J Hovden - International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Female leadership is scarce in sport as well as in most other male dominated institutions.
The research body on leadership indicates general leadership skills often associated with …

In the Belly of the Beast' Constructing Femininities in Engineering Organizations

E Kvande - European Journal of Women's Studies, 1999 -
This article explores how female graduate engineers construct femininities in male-
dominated organizations. By applying a dynamic relational understanding of gender it is …

Gender similarities in doctors' preferences—and gender differences in final specialisation

E Gjerberg - Social science & medicine, 2002 - Elsevier
This article is based on a career history study of gender differences and similarities in
recruitment to and transitions between specialities among Norwegian doctors. A …

Excluding women from the technologies of the future?: A case study of the culture of computer science

B Rasmussen, T Håpnes - Futures, 1991 - Elsevier
In this article the authors show how the culture and ideas of a small male minority of
students, the computer hackers, come to dominate computer science in the eyes of the …