Distributional effects of the great recession: Where has all the sociology gone?

B Redbird, DB Grusky - Annual Review of Sociology, 2016 - annualreviews.org
We review the main distributional effects of the Great Recession and the ways in which
those effects have been organized into narratives. The Great Recession may affect poverty …

[图书][B] In the midst of plenty: Homelessness and what to do about it

M Shinn, J Khadduri - 2020 - books.google.com
Foreword by Nan Roman, President and CEO of the National Alliance to End Homelessness
This book explains how to end the US homelessness crisis by bringing together the best …

Adolescents' subjective social status predicts day‐to‐day mental health and future substance use

MA Russell, CL Odgers - Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Adolescents' subjective social status (SSS) is associated with mental and behavioral health
outcomes, independent of socioeconomic status (SES). Many previous findings, however …

[图书][B] A good life on a finite earth: The political economy of green growth

DJ Fiorino - 2018 - books.google.com
The potential conflict among economic and ecological goals has formed the central fault line
of environmental politics in the United States and most other countries since the 1970s. The …

Inequality in times of pandemics: How online media are starting to treat the economic consequences of the coronavirus crisis

J Odriozola-Chéné, J Díaz Noci… - El Profesional de la …, 2020 - repositori.upf.edu
In December 2019, Chinese authorities informed the World Health Organization about a
new coronavirus disease that would come to be called Covid-19. The world media began …

[图书][B] Income inequality and the safety net in California

S Bohn, C Danielson - 2016 - ppic.org
Income inequality has been growing for decades and remains higher than at any point
before the Great Recession. This is true both in the United States as a whole and in …

How institutions create income inequality

GF Davis - The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism, 2017 - torrossa.com
Evidence of inequality is pervasive in social life, from race-based microaggressions at work
to disparities in the growth rates of national economies. Every social science has something …

[HTML][HTML] Глобализация и проблема неравенства доходов в современном мире

СЯ Веселовский - Глобализация и проблема неравенства …, 2017 - cyberleninka.ru
На примере отдельных стран и регионов мира прослеживаются изменения в динамике
и структуре доходов населения, генерируемые современной глобализацией …

Income distribution and redistribution

E Yilmaz, S Sefil-Tansever - Journal of Economic Issues, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
It seems that some observable structural trends in recent decades such as globalization,
skills-biased technological advances and level of unionization all over the world have been …

Audiencias activas y desigualdad de ingresos: análisis exploratorio de la conversación en Twitter

L Pérez Altable, A Serrano Tellería… - Hipertext. net, 2020 - riunet.upv.es
[ES] La desigualdad de ingresos es uno de los mayores desafíos de nuestras sociedades y
uno de los temas principales de la agenda política reciente (Pickett y Wilkinson, 2015: 132) …