On the dichotomy of debugging behavior among programmers

M Beller, N Spruit, D Spinellis, A Zaidman - Proceedings of the 40th …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Debugging is an inevitable activity in most software projects, often difficult and more time-
consuming than expected, giving it the nickname the" dirty little secret of computer science." …

Log-it: Supporting Programming with Interactive, Contextual, Structured, and Visual Logs

P Jiang, F Sun, H Xia - Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Logging is a widely used technique for inspecting and understanding programs. However,
the presentation of logs still often takes its ancient form of a linear stream of text that resides …

Method for automatically generating a trace data set for a software system, a computer system, and a computer program product

J Bohnet, J Doellner - US Patent 8,997,058, 2015 - Google Patents
The invention relates to a method, a computer system, and a computer program product for
automatically generating a trace data set for a software system on a computer system. The …

Feedback-based debugging

Y Lin, J Sun, Y Xue, Y Liu… - 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Software debugging has long been regarded as a time and effort consuming task. In the
process of debugging, developers usually need to manually inspect many program steps to …

Omniscient debugging for executable DSLs

E Bousse, D Leroy, B Combemale, M Wimmer… - Journal of Systems and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Omniscient debugging is a promising technique that relies on execution traces to enable
free traversal of the states reached by a model (or program) during an execution. While a …

[HTML][HTML] Reversibility in the higher-order π-calculus

I Lanese, CA Mezzina, JB Stefani - Theoretical Computer Science, 2016 - Elsevier
The notion of reversible computation is attracting increasing interest because of its
applications in diverse fields, in particular the study of programming abstractions for reliable …

Debugging for reactive programming

G Salvaneschi, M Mezini - … of the 38th International Conference on …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
Reactive programming is a recent programming technique that provides dedicated
language abstractions for reactive software. Reactive programming relieves developers from …

Ladebug: an online tool to help novice programmers improve their debugging skills

A Luxton-Reilly, E McMillan, E Stevenson… - Proceedings of the 23rd …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Debugging software is challenging, particularly for novices. Despite the importance of
debugging, most novice programmers are not formally taught any debugging skills. This …

Debugging data flows in reactive programs

H Banken, E Meijer, G Gousios - … of the 40th international conference on …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Reactive Programming is a style of programming that provides developers with a set of
abstractions that facilitate event handling and stream processing. Traditional debug tools …

Dynamic and transparent analysis of commodity production systems

A Fattori, R Paleari, L Martignoni… - Proceedings of the 25th …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
We propose a framework that provides a programming interface to perform complex
dynamic system-level analyses of deployed production systems. By leveraging hardware …