Politik Hukum Otonomi Daerah Studi terhadap Desentralisasi Asimetris di Indonesia

A Nurfurqon - Khazanah Hukum, 2020 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Studi ini mencoba untuk mengkaji politik hukum otonomi daerah ruang lingkup
desentralisasi asimetris di Indonesia.. Sumber yang diulas berdasarkan juskonstitun yang …

WALI NANGGROE ACEH: Transformasi, Eksistensi dan Model Penguatan Kelembagaan

M Nazaruddin, N Nirzalin, AI Kamil… - Jurnal Ilmu Sosial …, 2021 - ojs.unimal.ac.id
Artikel ini mengkaji tentang eksistensi dan transformasi Lembaga Wali Nanggroe dan
perkembangannya dari peran dan fungsi Wali Nanggroe secara kultural kepada institusi …

The Role of Wali Nanggroe Institution to Realize Peace in The Asymmetric Decentralization: the Case of Indonesia

D Suganda, R Saraswati, N Sa'adah - Yustisia, 2021 - jurnal.uns.ac.id
Aceh is a unique area in Indonesia based on Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the
Government of Aceh. One of its features is the establishment of the Wali Nanggroe Institution …

Politics of Law in Qanun Reformulation in Aceh: The Establishment of Wali Nanggroe Institution

D Suganda, R Saraswati, N Sa'adah - Mazahib, 2021 - journal.uinsi.ac.id
Abstract The Wali Nanggroe Institution is an authoritative religious local institution in Aceh,
Indonesia. This Institution was found as a mandate from the Helsinki MoU and it was stated …

Dynamics of Asymmetric Decentralization on the Implementation of Regional Autonomy in Aceh

W Alqarni, MS Ghifari, Y Asemki, M Rizki… - … of Governance and …, 2022 - journal.umy.ac.id
Decentralization is a global trend whose presence is believed to be able to overcome
various problems in modern and unitary countries. The concept of asymmetry developed …

Wali Nanggroe Institution: The Role, Function, and Strategy for Resolving Conflicts in Aceh after the Peace

Z Ibrahim - society, 2020 - societyfisipubb.id
Wali Nanggroe Institution is an institution of cultural authority as the unifier of the people that
is independent, authoritative, and has the authority to develop and oversee the …


Z Zulfiani, F Fatimah, M Ridwansyah - Kanun Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2022 - jurnal.usk.ac.id
The objectives of this research are to examine how Article 70 paragraph (1) of Aceh Qanun
Number 8, 2012 stipulates the formation of the Wali Nanggroe Election Commission through …


M Fahmi, ZP Karim, N Fadhlullah - Jurnal Legislasi Indonesia, 2021 - academia.edu
Penelitian ini bertujuan menelaah kehadiran Tim Pengawal UUPA yang secara umum
ditujukan untuk memastikan agar pasal-pasal dalam UUPA berjalan sebagaiamana …

Kajian Hukum Otonomi Daerah Terhadap Pemekaran Empat Provinsi Baru Di Papua

TK Nasir, T Syahuri - Journal Evidence Of Law, 2023 - jurnal.erapublikasi.id
The expansion of new provinces in Papua has been carried out, signed, and stipulated by
the Indonesian Minister of Home Affairs. as many as four provinces have been added to the …

The Existence of the Aceh Traditional Assembly Institution in Preserving Aceh Culture in Lhokseumawe City

A Virgo, RNR Novalita… - Sumatra Journal of …, 2023 - sjdgge.ppj.unp.ac.id
This type of research is qualitative research. The location of this research was carried out at
the Aceh traditional assembly institution, Lohkseumawe City. The informants in this research …