Hardware accelerators, such as those based on GPUs and FPGAs, offer an excellent opportunity to efficiently parallelize functionalities. Recently, modern embedded platforms …
Heterogeneous computing platforms running highly parallelized applications are becoming increasingly common in real-time embedded systems. This demands for expressive task …
The scheduling of parallel real-time tasks enables the efficient utilization of modern multiprocessor platforms for systems with real-time constrains. In this situation, the gang task …
While the earliest-deadline-first (EDF) scheduling algorithm has extensively been utilized in real-time systems, there is almost no literature considering EDF for task sets with dynamic …
Machine learning under resource constraints Katharina Morik, Peter Marwedel (Eds.) Machine Learning under Resource Constraints· Fundamentals Page 2 Also of interest Volume 2 …
When partitioned scheduling is used in real-time multiprocessor systems, access to shared resources can jeopardize the schedulability if the task partition is not done carefully. To …
While academia favours general research that is applicable to a large class of systems, this paper highlights the necessity of research into specific scenarios and aims to increase its …
In computing systems, a job may suspend itself (before it finishes its execution) when it has to wait for certain results from other (usually external) activities. For real-time systems, such …
Self-suspending behavior in real-time embedded systems can have a major and non-trivial negative impact on timing predictability. In this work, we investigate how to analyze the …