A vital part of the licensing process for advanced (non-LWR) nuclear reactor developers in the United States is the assessment of the reactor's source term, ie, the potential release of …
Computational advancements in the past couple of decades have propelled the capabilities to design, model, and benchmark nuclear reactor systems. However, the lack of high …
To assist both the advanced reactor industry and US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in the pursuit of reactor design and licensing, the US Department of Energy (DOE) …
MH Lee, DW Jerng, IC Bang - Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
The downward discharge of the molten fuel to the lower structure of the fuel assembly could increase of the pressure drop and degrade of coolability of the assembly. To analyze the …
Metallic nuclear fuels have been proposed for use in several emerging nuclear reactor designs, and a number of codes have been developed to model these fuels and assess their …
The inherent safety characteristics of the metal fuel core sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) are investigated using the SAS4A metal fuel version code, originally developed for the …