The biostratigraphic importance of conchostracans in the continental Triassic of the northern hemisphere

HW Kozur, RE Weems - Geological Society, London, Special …, 2010 -
Conchostracans or clam shrimp (order Conchostraca Sars) are arthropods with a carapace
consisting of two chitinous lateral valves. Triassic conchostracans range in size from 2 to …

Evolutionary history and divergence times of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) revealed through transcriptomics

M Kohli, H Letsch, C Greve, O Béthoux… - Iscience, 2021 -
Dragonflies and damselflies are among the earliest flying insects with extant
representatives. However, unraveling details of their long evolutionary history, such as egg …


张永生, 牛绍武, 田树刚, 邢恩袁, 苏奎, 曹洁, 王俊涛 - 地质通报, 2012 -
前人对林西县上二叠统林西组和扎鲁特旗陶海营子组进行过长期研究, 发现较多淡水双壳类和
植物化石, 而叶肢介化石仅在陶海营子组有所发现. 本次研究在内蒙古林西县官地剖面林西组的 …

Cyclestheria hislopi (Crustacea: Branchiopoda): a group of morphologically cryptic species with origins in the Cretaceous

M Schwentner, S Clavier, M Fritsch, J Olesen… - Molecular phylogenetics …, 2013 - Elsevier
Cyclestheria hislopi is thought to be the only extant species of Cyclestherida. It is the sister
taxon of all Cladocera and displays morphological characteristics intermediate of …

Late Permian conchostracans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) from continental deposits in the Moscow syneclise, Russia

F Scholze, VK Golubev, G Niedźwiedzki… - Journal of …, 2019 - BioOne
The Moscow Syneclise on the East European Platform is an important area for the study of
the continental biota of late Permian to Early Triassic age in continuous sections. This study …

A new crustacean clam shrimp (Spinicaudata: Eosestheriidae) from the Upper Triassic of Argentina and its importance for 'conchostracan'taxonomy

OF Gallego - Alcheringa, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
A new species of a fossil crustacean clam shrimp (Spinicaudata: Eosestheriidae)
Menucoestheria wichmanni is described from the lower Upper Triassic Vera Formation (Los …

The Devonian-Cretaceous fossil record of “conchostracans” of Africa and their paleobiogeographic relationships with other Gondwanan faunas

OF Gallego, MD Monferran, AL Stigall… - Journal of African Earth …, 2020 - Elsevier
The main objective of this work is to present a survey of the fossil record of “conchostracans”,
a group of continental (also occasionally from brackish and marine sequences) fossil …

Conchostracans in continental deposits of the Zechstein–Buntsandstein transition in central Germany: Taxonomy and biostratigraphic implications for the position of …

F Scholze, JW Schneider, R Werneburg - Palaeogeography …, 2016 - Elsevier
The end-Permian mass extinction marks the largest biotic crisis in the geologic record. The
stratigraphic position of this boundary in continental deposits is still under discussion. In the …

Extant clam shrimp egg morphology: taxonomy and comparison with other fossil branchiopod eggs

S Yan-bin, H Di-ying - Journal of Crustacean Biology, 2008 -
In examining the surface sculpture of the eggs of extant clam shrimps, chiefly from China, at
least four types can be recognized. 1) Ridge-type eggshells have a variety of features, but all …

[PDF][PDF] Jeweled Achilidae–a new look at their systematics and relations with other Fulgoroidea (Hemiptera)

AM Brysz, J Szwedo - Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum, 2019 -
A brief overview of planthoppers (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea) classification and subdivisions is
given. Recent advances and opinions on fossil and extant families of Fulgoroidea and their …