Damping Harmonic Oscillator (DHO) for learning media in the topic damping harmonic motion

I Festiana, K Herlina, LS Kurniasari… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
This study aims to 1) design and create a damped harmonic oscillator as a learning media
for damped harmonic oscillation, 2) to know the effect of the displacement on the number of …

Non-invasive moisture content measurement system based on the ESP8266 microcontroller

A Sitorus, N Novrinaldi, R Bulan - Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and …, 2020 - beei.org
Moisture content in the process of drying is often unknown when carrying out the drying
process, especially the fluidized dryer. A lot of experimental designs are needed when …

Develoment of the computer simulation of oscillation in physics learning

Y Sumardi, AF Amalia… - Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika …, 2022 - journal.unnes.ac.id
The simplest mechanical system that shows such motion oscillation is a simple pendulum,
which consists of a mass suspended from a rope, so that it can swing freely in response to …

The influence of inclined plane angle to the oscillation period of spring and block systems

Y Pramudya, E Raharja - 2019 Ahmad Dahlan International …, 2019 - atlantis-press.com
The topic of oscillation in spring and block systems in the inclined plane is fairly complex
and rarely to be discussed in oscillation research topic. Apart from theoretical calculations …

Osilasi Teredam Pada Pegas Dengan Medium Fluida

MR Aulia, N Zannah, SZA Darajat… - Journal of Teaching …, 2018 - journal.uinsgd.ac.id
Osilasi berdasarkan redamannya terbagi menjadi tiga yaitu osilasi teredam ringan, teredam
kritis dan teredam penuh. Penelitian ini menyelidiki fenomena osilasi teredam yang …

Penentuan momen inersia benda tegar menggunakan metode osilasi bandul fisis berbasis mikrokontroler

P Indriana, I Wirawati… - … Seminar Nasional Fisika …, 2017 - fisika.fmipa.unesa.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan momen inersia benda tegar menggunakan kit
bandul fisis hasil rancangan berbasis mikrokontroler. Penelitian penentuan momen inersia …

Graphical Representation Skills in Online Learning During COVID-19 Pandemic Through Augmented Reality Assisted Student Worksheets

W Hidayatulloh, LD Herliandry… - … International Seminar on …, 2021 - atlantis-press.com
This study aims to determine the student's graphical representation skill in online learning
through Augmented Reality Assisted student worksheets in Simple Harmonics Motion during …

Penerapan Metode Runge-Kutta Fehlberg pada Model Sistem Pegas Massa Dua Derajat Kebebasan dengan Redaman

F Zikri, MY Fajar, G Gunawan - Prosiding SI MaNIs …, 2020 - garuda.kemdikbud.go.id
Banyak fenomena alam yang model matematikanya berupa persamaan diferensial
khususnya sistem persamaan diferensial, yaitu sistem pegas massa dua derajat kebebasan …

Analisis Pengaruh Massa Beban Terhadap Koefisien Redaman Menggunakan Software Python

S Silahooy, D Nggolaon… - … Pendidikan Fisika dan …, 2024 - journal.unucirebon.ac.id
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh massa beban terhadap nilai koefisien
redaman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dimana …

Rancang Bangun Percobaan Bandul Fisis Berbasis Mikrokontroler Untuk Menentukan Periode Minimum

F DWIATMOKO - Jurnal Inovasi Fisika Indonesia (IFI), 2019 - ejournal.unesa.ac.id
UNTUK MENENTUKAN PERIODE MINIMUM Page 1 Jurnal Inovasi Fisika Indonesia (IFI) …