S Tufano - Teiresias Supplements Online, 2019 - iris.uniroma1.it
Boiotians are not known as the most cultivated people. In Greek antiquity, they were widely viewed as backward. The legacy continues: in several modern languages, the term …
Gorgias's Thought: An Epistemological Reading is the first monograph published in English entirely devoted to Gorgias's epistemological thought and provides a new perspective on …
Thomas M. Robinson's full-length edition of Dissoi Logoi (with critical text, English translation and commentary), first published in 1979, marked a watershed in the history of …
Page 1 Bernardo Paoli Come parla un terapeuta La ristrutturazione strategica Prefazione di Giorgio Nardone Page 2 I lettori che desiderano informarsi sui libri e le riviste da noi pubblicati …
Abstract In the pamphlet On Salaried Posts in Great Houses Lucian of Samosata analyzes the problem of the impossible relationship between misthos,'money', and …
S Sirigatti, C Stefanile, G Nardone - 2008 - flore.unifi.it
In sei capitoli si stabiliscono relazioni tra sensazioni e percezioni, tra animale e uomo, tra genetica ed esperienza, tra Logos e Pathos, tra individuo e massa (e tra cooperazione e …
R Ridi - KO KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION, 2016 - nomos-elibrary.de
Main objectives and subjective aspects are traceable in the concepts of information, document, knowledge, knowledge organization and levels of reality. Objective and …
This essay aims to reveal the relationship between sophistry and law in a twofold direction: on one side, how the development of ancient Greek law influenced sophistry's production …
S Di Piazza, F Piazza - Rhetorica, 2016 - muse.jhu.edu
This article considers the epistemology of Classical rhetoric and Hippocratic medicine, focusing on two key terms: semeion and tekmerion. Through an analysis of the specific case …