Issues and challenges of aspect-based sentiment analysis: A comprehensive survey

A Nazir, Y Rao, L Wu, L Sun - IEEE Transactions on Affective …, 2020 -
The domain of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis, in which aspects are extracted, their
sentiments are analysed and sentiments are evolved over time, is getting much attention …

Hybrid deep learning models for sentiment analysis

CN Dang, MN Moreno-García, F De la Prieta - Complexity, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Sentiment analysis on public opinion expressed in social networks, such as Twitter or
Facebook, has been developed into a wide range of applications, but there are still many …

[HTML][HTML] A technical survey on statistical modelling and design methods for crowdsourcing quality control

Y Jin, M Carman, Y Zhu, Y Xiang - Artificial Intelligence, 2020 - Elsevier
Online crowdsourcing provides a scalable and inexpensive means to collect knowledge (eg
labels) about various types of data items (eg text, audio, video). However, it is also known to …

Sentiment analysis via deep multichannel neural networks with variational information bottleneck

T Gu, G Xu, J Luo - IEEE Access, 2020 -
With the rapid development of e-commerce, online consumption has become a mainstream
form of consumption in recent years. Text sentiment analysis for a large number of customer …

Truth inference with a deep clustering-based aggregation model

Y Liu, W Zhang, Y Yu - IEEE Access, 2020 -
Traditional truth inference algorithms take multiple source labels as input and infer true
labels for objects. Besides source labels, object features have been introduced in inference …

[PDF][PDF] Aggregating crowd wisdom with side information via a clustering-based label-aware autoencoder

Y Liu, W Zhang, Y Yu - Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth …, 2021 -
Aggregating crowd wisdom infers true labels for objects, from multiple noisy labels provided
by various sources. Besides labels from sources, side information such as object features is …

Robust cumulative crowdsourcing framework using new incentive payment function and joint aggregation model

KG Dizaji, H Gao, Y Yang, H Huang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2020 -
In recent years, crowdsourcing has gained tremendous attention in the machine learning
community due to the increasing demand for labeled data. However, the labels collected by …

A Crowdsourcing Truth Inference Algorithm Based on Hypergraph Neural Networks

Z Dong, Y Li, L Gao, Z Zhou - … , Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data …, 2022 -
Crowdsourcing has become an economical and efficient way to obtain data, but the data
obtained by crowdsourcing is often noisy. Due to concerns about human errors in …

Learning from Crowd Labeling with Semi-crowdsourced Deep Generative Models

X Wei, M Zhang, DD Zeng - … Cooperative Work and Social Computing: 15th …, 2021 - Springer
Microtask crowdsourcing has become an appealing approach to collecting large-scale high-
quality labeled data across a wide range of domains. As the crowd workers may be …

[HTML][HTML] Survey on deep learning approaches for aspect level opinion mining

AR ABAS, I EL-HENAWY… - … of Cybersecurity and …, 2020 -
The the task of Aspect-based opinion mining (AbOM) is an emeraging research area, where
aspects are mined, the corresponding opinion are scrutinized and sentiments are …