In this paper, a review on solar drying is presented. The review comprises the main components, classifications and affecting parameters. Advantages, disadvantages and …
There are two competing concepts in the literature for the integration of high shares of renewable energy: the coupling of electricity to other energy sectors, such as transport and …
The European potential for renewable electricity is sufficient to enable fully renewable supply on different scales, from self-sufficient, subnational regions to an interconnected …
Solar PV is rapidly growing globally, creating difficult questions around how to efficiently integrate it into national electricity grids. Its time-varying power output is difficult to model …
Reanalysis models are rapidly gaining popularity for simulating wind power output due to their convenience and global coverage. However, they should only be relied upon once …
For a given carbon budget over several decades, different transformation rates for the energy system yield starkly different results. Here we consider a budget of 33 GtCO 2 for the …
To reach ambitious European CO 2 emission reduction targets, most scenarios of future European electricity systems rely on large shares of wind and solar photovoltaic power …
PyPSA-Eur, the first open model dataset of the European power system at the transmission network level to cover the full ENTSO-E area, is presented. It contains 6001 lines (alternating …
We use an open, hourly-resolved, networked model of the European energy system to investigate the storage requirements under decreasing CO 2 emissions targets and several …